In No va a quedar nada a nada de todo esto, the exhibition of Paco Graco on the city’s missing signage, you could see some signs of those first Chinese food restaurants that came to the city. Exoticism turned into its own cultural heritage. The Paco Graco store could soon be joined by the Buen Gusto restaurant sign.
The chinese food restaurant he most popular restaurant on their side of the river has announced on Instagram and through a sign posted on their door what this headline announces: that they are closing.
After 27 years offering food to neighbors in the neighborhood and other areas of Madrid (such as Zarzuela, for example), the restaurant says goodbye like this: “Dear customers, we announce with immense pain that, due to the acquisition of the building, we have to leave this place that has accompanied us for 27 years.”
The reason for the closure is what it is: the inexorable advance of large properties in buildings that were previously shared among neighbors. From Buen Gusto, however, they leave in their Instagram a window open to hope: “but it’s not goodbye forever. Although the building where we are located has been acquired by another company, we assure you that Buen Gusto will be back”.
Until we know how long this see you later lasts, there are still twelve days left to visit the restaurant (they close for good on July 1). A way of saying goodbye or making a last tribute to a restaurant that at some point was baptized as the Chino del Rey because of that gigantic photo of the emeritus monarch that (never better said) reigns in the entrance hall of the restaurant accrediting its presence.