A film series that explores the relationship between the individual, society and the urban environment is being installed in Madrid over the next few months. Organized by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, it is called Psychogeographies, is free and invites the public to reflect on life in the city through a selection of six films.
Each of these works touches on themes deeply rooted in psychogeography, that intersection between the mind and physical space, while inviting attendees to participate in colloquiums after the screenings.
The series, which begins on September 24 and runs through December 10, will be held every other Tuesday at 6:00 pm in the auditorium of the Eugenio Trías Public Library (in the Retiro neighborhood). The programmed films offer a critical look at urbanization, ranging from classics to more recent works, all related in some way to the city and urban space.
The cycle will be inaugurated by Martin Scorsese’s cult film After Hours (1985), titled in Spain Jo, qué noche, a film that captures the chaotic rhythms and sense of alienation in New York’s urban environment .
Films and talks in the series
The Psychogeographies series offers a diverse program:
- Film: Edificio España ( Víctor moreno, 2012).
- Theme: Urban dissonances
- October 8 at 6 pm
- Film: Utama (Alejandro Loayza Grisi, 2022)
- Theme: Modes of (dis)inhabiting
- October 22 at 6 pm
- Film: Toponymy (Jonathan Perel, 2015)
- Theme: The disciplinary city
- November 12 at 6 pm
- Film: Emotional Architecture 1959 (Elías León Siminiani, 2022)
- Theme: Spaces of affection
- November 26 at 6 pm
- Film: El Camino ( Ana Mariscal, 1963)
- Theme: Spaces of memory
- November 12 at 6 pm