Often when talking about exhibitions, one of the aspects that is usually highlighted as a synonym of quality is the number of works or pieces it gathers. And although this premise is sometimes fulfilled, in cases such as the temporary exhibition The Ides of March, a space as small as a showcase is enough to contain pieces of incalculable historical and archaeological value.
This is the Showcase ZERO of the National Archaeological Museum (MAN), located at number 13 Serrano Street. This space, which can be visited next to the access to the permanent exhibition on Floor 0, hosts temporary exhibitions that last three months and that “complement and enrich the permanent exhibition of the MAN“.
The one in question is mounted since January 14 and will be open until April 13, 2025. In it you can see what is the most famous coin in Roman history: that of “the ides of March”.
It was Brutus, one of those involved in the assassination of Julius Caesar on March 15, 44 BC, who minted the coin during the civil war that broke out shortly after the conspiracy that killed the Roman ruler.
On its reverse, experts explain, two daggers can be seen flanking a pileus – the cap that symbolized freedom for the Romans – along with the date: EID MAR.
The piece, according to the MAN, is “very unique, as it is part of a hoard of silver coins found in Ontígola (Toledo) in 1733“. Along with it can also be seen other denarii, a krater (ceramic vessel), the Monetary of the Infante Don Gabriel de Borbón or a biglobular dagger.
Guided visit to The Ides of March
According to the Roman calendar, the “ides” were days of good omen, which corresponded to the 15th day of the months of March, May, July and October and the 13th day of the rest of the months of the year.
Therefore, coinciding with the Ides of March, on the 15th of that month the Head Curator of the Department of Numismatics and Medallistics, Paloma Otero, will conduct two guided tours of the ZERO Showcase at 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and will last approximately 30 minutes.
The capacity is 15 people and to attend it is essential to reserve a place in advance. The procedure can be done one week before the activity from 18h on this link and a maximum of two places per reservation is allowed.