If we go by the maxim -and what logic dictates- that there is no one better than a local to make recommendations about his own city, when thinking about the best Portuguese cream cakes, it makes sense that we refer, then, to our colleagues from Lisbon Secreta and Porto Secreto. And both agree on one name: Manteigaria – Fábrica de Pastéis de Nata, which has just opened this Wednesday in Madrid.
For their landing in Spain, they have chosen the capital… And anywhere: they have settled at number four of the Carrera de San Jeronimo ( right next to the Apple store), in the middle of the Puerta del Sol.
Its owner, Salvador Lima Mayer, tells Madrid Secreto that he is very excited about the opening and that the decision stems from a fact: his stores in Portugal “have already recorded record sales during Spanish and Madrid Community holidays, so it seems that there is already a lot of interest!”.
On the other hand, to guarantee the absolute quality of the product, Mayer explains that they have been training the team for weeks: “a pastry chef from Madrid was trained in Portugal, and we will also have the help of one of our best pastry chefs in Lisbon for a few months”.
What are Manteigaria’s cream cakes like and how much do they cost?
The secret of Manteigaria‘s pastel de nata, they say, “lies in its traditional recipe and artisanal elaboration process”. Each and every one of them is made on the premises and in full view of the customers, through its famous “glass factories”: from the kneading of the dough to the baking. And they can be enjoyed for a price of 2 €.
They are also sold in boxes of two (4€) and 6 (12€). And they can be accompanied by different types of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, soft drink, water or sparkling water.