To the ancestral -and eternal- debate of with or without onionism around the potato omelette could be added another variable: the one of where to eat it. Although it is a question that admits many (and very good) answers, the Feria de la Tortilla de Fuenlabrada has long been making merits to become one of the essential ones and already has a date for this year.
It will be from March 6 to 9, coinciding, as usual, with the feast of Santa Juana, when the fourth edition of this peculiar festival will take place: an opportunity to taste tortilla skewers for only 2 €.
In addition, as an option, participating establishments may also offer up to two more pinchos or tapas whose main ingredient is egg, potato or both.
Which bars and restaurants participate in the Fuenlabrada Omelette Fair?
To name the participating establishments in this edition, you still have to wait a bit: registrations are open from Monday 27 January until 12 February. To sign up, establishments must fill out the form that the City of Fuenlabrada makes available through this website.
On the other hand, those who come to the fair will be able to vote for their favorite omelette or tapa of those tasted at the event, from which two prizes will be awarded: the best omelette of Fuenlabrada and the best of each District Board. The winning bars and restaurants “will serve the pinchos again the weekend after the Fair (between March 14 and 16) at the same price,” reports the consistory fuenlabreño.
In addition, just for giving their opinion, those who have voted will enter the draw for five lunches or dinners worth 50 euros in one of the participating establishments.