To the list of concerts that you can’t miss in Madrid this 2025 we can add, from today, the free concerts of Radio 3 Extra that can be enjoyed on the occasion of its annual party. The twelfth edition of this musical event will take place on February 25 at 8 pm.
The stage chosen for the occasion has been the Sala La Riviera in Madrid (Paseo Bajo de la Virgen del Puerto, s/n), which will host a total of six artists during an evening presented by LuisLo -member of the group Çantamarta- and Irene Valiente, from the program Hoy Empieza Todo.
Access will be free until full capacity and, for those who can not attend but do not want to miss the performances, the event will also be broadcast live both through the web and the app of Radio 3 and RTVE Play.
What free concerts will there be at the Radio 3 Extra party?
The lineup for the annual Radio 3 Extra party – “Radio 3’s audiovisual content platform that explores new narratives and languages”, in the words of the public communication corporation itself- will be made up of a total of half a dozen artists.
Among them will be Alcalá Norte, who hit the big time last year with La Vida Cañón. Also the Arandino Barry B, who a few months after his summer hit with Carolina Durante, Yo pensaba que me había tocado Dios, released last November his first album under the title of Chato.
The rock band Hermana Furia, which Julio Ródenas has defined as “The best thing that has happened in a long time to rock in this country”, will also sound with force on the stage. Sila Lua will also be there with her mix of influences -author, by the way, of a song that will sound familiar to fans of the series Élite-and Nina Emocional, with a more experimental proposal.