There are few things more comforting -gastronomically speaking- than a good spoon dish. To vindicate it and, incidentally, to publicize its culinary richness, from January 27 to February 9 is celebrated the II Ruta de la Cuchara de Galapagar, involving a total of 23 restaurants.
There will be two weeks during which the twenty establishments will offer different spoon dishes for only 4.50 € (the same price remains the same on the terrace). The drink is not included, but it is mandatory to consume at least one per person.
As for the schedule, the Ruta de la Cuchara de Galapagar will have shifts for both lunch and dinner. Namely:
- Mornings: from 12:30h to 16h.
- Afternoons: from 20h to 22h.
Restaurants of the Ruta de la Cuchara of Galapagar
- Equina 29
- Latin flavors
- The Oven
- La Terraza
- Titi and the storm
- Imperial Restaurant
- La Bodeguilla
- El Rinconcito de Adela
- San Gregorio Brewery
- Tony’s Bar
- Manhattan
- Lima 21
- Vino Pasión
- Sacromonte
- Palomera
- El Tablao
- El Canario
- Finca Trinidad Restaurant
- Viva Galicia
- El Guijo Social Club
- La Santina
- La Casona del Pastor
- Lula’s cart
In this link you will find a QR where you can consult the map with all the restaurants. Also, if you click on their names, you can see what dish or dishes they offer, on what days and at what times.
Among the dishes that will be served these days there are, for example, ribs with potatoes, fabada asturiana, mushroomrisotto, chicken in mustard and honey sauce with cranberries, chickpeas with tripe, sancocho triphasic, beans with squid, zurrucutuna soup, veal cheeks with potatoes revolconas or cocido madrileño.