With the price of housing purchase setting historical records -in this video you can see the data in different cities-, a legitimate question that may arise is where in our region is cheaper to buy a home. In the case of Madrid and this article, we answer this question by consulting the monthly report of Idealista for December 2024. And the answer is that in the cheapest town in Madrid to buy housing the square meter is below € 1,000 per square meter.
This is Cadalso de los Vidrios, a town located about 86 kilometers from the capital with just over 3,000 registered inhabitants, where the average price per square meter in December 2024 stood at € 952. And although the price has risen over the previous year -in 2023 was Fuentidueña de Tajo for just over 800 €-, today is the only one in the region that is below 1,000 €.
It is followed in the ranking of the cheapest towns in the Community of Madrid Colmenar de Oreja with a price of € 1,016 per square meter -town that, incidentally, last year was a finalist for Rural Tourism Capital-. The podium is completed by Villa del Prado with 1,033 € / m².
What is the average price per square meter in Madrid?
The price per square meter in the cheapest town of Madrid to buy housing is not negligible considering that this report provides other data such as the average price of the province of Madrid and in December 2024 stood at 3,771 €.
If we put the focus on Madrid city, the picture is even more bleak: in that case the price rises to 4,952 €.