The high-speed train from Granada to Madrid (and vice versa) takes at least three hours and forty minutes to reach its destination. It makes four stops: one in Loja, two in Antequera and one in Cordoba. It departs three times a day, only once during working hours (at 6:55 a.m.).
To reduce the journey time, the Granada City Council presented an institutional declaration asking the Spanish Government for a direct AVE to connect Granada with the capital. After collecting more than 7,000 signatures in favor of the initiative, the Ministry of Transport is studying the petition in order to increase the competitiveness of the public rail service.
Jorge Saavedra, secretary general of the Popular Party in Granada, has stated that Granada society, including businessmen, members of the Congress Palace and the media, stress the need for a non-stop AVE to Madrid in order to have a high-speed train “on an equal footing with the rest of the cities”. And, according to a recent study by the newspaper Ideal, the Granada train is one of the slowest of all those that end their destination in Madrid.
On the other hand, Saavedra has recalled the worsening of the Granada high-speed rail service in the last five years: in 2020, the AVE took half an hour less (3 hours and 5 minutes) to get from Granada to Madrid.