The religious works of the Prado reflect the historical evolution of Spanish art. They make up a large part of the museum‘s collection, one of the most important art galleries in the world. On the occasion of the Christmas holidays, four facades in Madrid will host projections of paintings by artists such as Fra Angelico and Hans Membling. They depict scenes from the New Testament, such as the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary and the Adoration of the Magi.
The Royal Monastery of the Incarnation (Plaza de la Encarnación, 1) will be illuminated with two paintings by Fra Angelico: The Annunciation and The Visitation, two key moments in the life of the Virgin Mary. The Cathedral Church of the Armed Forces (Calle del Sacramento, 11) will host two paintings on the birth of Jesus: The Nativity: The Adoration of the Kings, by Hans Membling, and Adoration of the Shepherds, by Bonifacio Pitati.
At the Corpus Christi Monastery (Plaza del Conde de Miranda, 3) a painting by Maestro de la Sisla, Adoration of the Magi, and another by Vicente López Portaña: The Dream of St. Joseph, will be projected. Finally, the Royal Church of San Andrés Apostol (Plaza de San Andrés, 1) will have on its façade the Flight into Egypt by Alessandro Turchi and the Virgin of the Milk painted by the master of Don Álvaro de Luna.
The projections can be seen from Wednesday 19 to Monday 23 December, from 18:00 to 23:00. On the last day there will be a special concert at the Church of San Andrés: the Coro Joven Filarmonía de Madrid will perform a Christmas recital to celebrate the approaching Christmas Eve.