The BiciMAD system was born in 2014 giving coverage to six districts of Madrid. This year, the public bicycle service has experienced significant growth, especially in the fourth quarter of the year, coinciding with the withdrawal of private electric bikes. The City Council forecasts that 2024 will end with a fleet of 7,735 examples distributed in 630 stations spread throughout all districts of the capital.
According to the Madrid City Council, the growth of BiciMAD comes from the need to meet the demand for this service in areas far from the Centro district, such as Los Ángeles, Entrevías or El Cañaveral. In the latter neighborhood, four new stations have been inaugurated to facilitate connections with EMT lines. Ciudad Universitaria has also benefited from the expansion of the service, as it has two more stations in the faculties of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) and the Universidad de Informática.
Where are the new BiciMAD stations?
- Calle de Rosalía de Castro, 1 (Fuencarral-El Pardo, Peñagrande)
- Faculty of Computer Science (Moncloa-Aravaca, Ciudad Universitaria)
- UNED Central Library (Moncloa-Aravaca, Ciudad Universitaria)
- Avenida de Juan Andrés, 21 (Moncloa-Aravaca, Valdezarza)
- Calle del Alcalde Martín de Alzaga, 11 (Moncloa-Aravaca, Valdezarza)
- Centro Cultural El Pozo del Tío Raimundo (Puente de Vallecas, Entrevías)
- Calle de Cazorla, 79 (Puente de Vallecas, Entrevías)
- Calle de Montiel, 27 (Puente de Vallecas, Entrevías)
- Calle de la Sierra de Albarracín, 2 (Puente de Vallecas, Entrevías)
- Entrevías Municipal Sports Center (Puente de Vallecas, Entrevías)
- Calle de Arcaute, 13 (San Blas-Canillejas, Rejas)
- Avenida de Fermina Sevillano, 23 (San Blas-Canillejas, Rejas)
- Calle de Febrero, 4 (San Blas-Canillejas, Rejas)
- Avenida de Blas de Lezo, 33 (Vicálvaro, El Cañaveral)
- Avenida de Miguel Delibes, 49 corner with Humildad street (Vicálvaro, El Cañaveral)
- Avenida de Victoria Kent, 9, corner with Calle de Mario Moreno Cantinflas (Vicálvaro, El Cañaveral)
- Calle del Alcalde Andrés Madrid Dávila, 92 (Vicálvaro, El Cañaveral)
- Calle de Eduardo Barreiros, in front of 110 (Villaverde, Los Ángeles)
- Calle de Paterna, 55 (Villaverde, San Cristóbal).