Yesterday was marked by the repeal of public transport subsidies after the Plenary of the Congress overturned the “omnibus decree” in which the measure was included. This means that the aid from the central government will fall, but from that moment a doubt remained in the air that, in the case that concerns us because of our idiosyncrasy, has to do with how the prices of transport in Madrid will be for 2025 after this news.
The Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid (CRTM) has confirmed that “for the time being users of public transport in Madrid will continue to pay exactly the same prices they have been paying until now”. And that means maintaining the 60% discount that was approved in December 2024.
However, this 60% corresponded to an equal contribution (30%) from both the central and regional governments. According to El País, the entire 60% will be paid by the Community of Madrid, but it is not known until when.
Prices of public transport in Madrid following the decree
According to this latest information, The Community of Madrid will maintain (for the time being) the 60% reduction in the price of monthly public transport passes and 50% in the case of the multi-journey card.
The prices of the 30-day tickets in Madrid transport for 2025 are, thus, as follows:
- Children’s Card (up to 6 years of age): free of charge
- Over 65 years old: free
- Young person: 8€.
- Normal zone A: 21,80€.
- Normal zone B1: 25,40€.
- Normal zone B2: 28,80€.
- Normal zone B3, C1 and C2: 32,80€.
- Standard E1: 44,20€.
- Standard E2: 52,70€.
On the other hand, the 10-trip voucher will also continue to have the same cost: 6,10€.
To see how Wednesday’s derogation affects transport at state level you can find the information in this article. And for information on Cercanías travel cards, this one.