One month before the end of the year, the people of Madrid are living with the unknown of whether in 2025 they will continue paying the same for the transport season tickets as we have been paying this year: that is, if the 60% discount -subsidized in equal parts by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility and the regional government- will be maintained beyond December 31, 2024.
The intention, the Transport Ministry tells Madrid Secreto, is to maintain the discount if the central government does the same with its share of the bonus. Be that as it may, what does not change from one year to the next is the great variety of cards, tickets and season tickets that the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid (CRTM) makes available to travelers and which is designed to cover all kinds of needs.
However, this variety can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, both for locals and visitors. That’s why in this article we explain exactly which areas you can access and which modes of transport you can use depending on the type of travel pass you have.
Which modes of transport can you use with your travel pass?
First of all: the travel pass is a ticket with which you can make unlimited trips, as long as you do so within its spatial and temporal scope of validity. In order to use it, you need to load it on one of the two types of contactless public transport cards (TTP) that exist: the Personal Public Transport Card (the one with your photo on it) and the Multi (which is not personal).
The pass is valid on all services managed by the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid (CRTM). Namely:
- Metro network.
- Madrid urban bus network: EMT, except for the Airport Express line.
- Cercanías Renfe (including line C-9 Cercedilla-Cotos).
- Light rail network.
- Urban Bus Lines of other municipalities of the Community of Madrid.
- Intercity bus lines of the Community of Madrid and certain towns in Castilla-La Mancha.
Where can you travel with each type of pass?
Our public transport system is divided into eight fare zones: six of them for the Community of Madrid (A, B1, B2, B3, C1 and C2) and another two for Castilla-La Mancha (E1 and E2). The larger the letter (and the number that accompanies it), the wider the scope it covers. That is: you can travel to more places -here you can see it more clearly on a map-.
The table that you have seen that we are publishing in the different media about how the prices are after the 60% reduction corresponds to the monthly travel pass for a single zone in its different modalities (youth, normal and over 65 years). And it is the one we take as a reference in this article to relate the price of each zone pass with the places you can reach with it -although there are some exceptions-.
Pass for Zone A: 21,80€.
- Metro: between the stations included in this zone.
- Buses: all EMT lines and the lines of concessionary companies of Plaza de Isabel II-Glorieta de los Cármenes (PRISEI) and Madrid-El Pardo-Mingorrubio (ALACUBER).
- Renfe commuter trains: among the stations included in this area.
- Light Metro: ML1 line (Pinar de Chamartín-Las Tablas).
Pass for Zone B1: 25,40€. Includes the previous zone and:
- Alcobendas
- Alcorcón
- Cantoblanco
- Coslada
- Faculty of Computer Science (only line 591)
- Getafe
- Leganés
- Paracuellos del Jarama (except Urb. Los Berrocales, Belvis)
- Pozuelo de Alarcón
- Rivas Vaciamadrid
- San Fernando de Henares
- San Sebastián de los Reyes (C.U.*)
*C.U. = Urban Area
Pass for Zone B2: 28,80€. Includes the previous zones and:
- Ajalvir
- Belvis and Los Berrocales Urb. (Municipality of Paracuellos del Jarama)
- Boadilla del Monte
- Fuenlabrada
- Fuente del Fresno Urb. (Municipality of San Sebastián de los Reyes)
- Las Matas (Municipality of Las Rozas de Madrid)
- Las Rozas de Madrid
- Majadahonda
- Mejorada del Campo
- Móstoles
- Parla
- Pinto
- Torrejón de Ardoz
- Tres Cantos
- Velilla de San Antonio (C.U.)
- Villaviciosa de Odón
Pass for Zone B3: 32,80€. Includes the previous zones and:
- Alcalá de Henares
- Algete
- Arganda (C.U.)
- Arroyomolinos
- Brunete (C.U.)
- Ciempozuelos (C.U.)
- Ciudalcampo (Municipality of San Sebastián de los Reyes)
- Cobeña
- Collado Villalba (C.U.)
- Colmenar Viejo (C.U.)
- Colmenarejo (C.U.)
- Daganzo de Arriba (C.U.)
- Galapagar (C.U.)
- Griñón (C.U.)
- Hoyo de Manzanares
- Humanes de Madrid
- Loeches (C.U.)
- Moraleja de Enmedio
- Navalcarnero (C.U.)
- San Agustín de Guadalix (C.U.)
- San Martín de la Vega
- Torrejón de la Calzada (C.U.)
- Torrejón de Velasco (C.U.)
- Torrelodones
- Valdemoro
- Villanueva de la Cañada (C.U.)
- Villanueva del Pardillo
Pass for Zone C1: 32,80€. Includes the previous zones and:
- El Álamo
- Alpedrete
- Anchuelo (C.U.)
- Aranjuez (C.U.)
- Batres
- Becerril de la Sierra (C.U.)
- El Boalo (C.U.) and entities of Mataelpino and Cerceda
- Camarma de Esteruelas
- Campo Real
- Casarrubuelos
- Collado-Mediano (C.U.)
- Cubas de la Sagra
- Chinchón
- El Escorial
- Fresno de Torote
- Fuente el Saz de Jarama
- Guadarrama
- Manzanares El Real (C.U.)
- Meco (C.U.)
- El Molar
- Moralzarzal
- Morata de Tajuña
- Pedrezuela
- Perales de Tajuña
- Pozuelo del Rey (C.U.)
- Quijorna
- Ribatejada
- San Lorenzo de El Escorial (C.U.)
- Los Santos de la Humosa (C.U.)
- Serranillos del Valle
- Sevilla la Nueva
- Soto del Real
- Titulcia
- Torres de la Alameda
- Valdeavero
- Valdemorillo
- Valdeolmos-Alalpardo
- Valdetorres de Jarama
- Valverde de Alcalá (C.U.)
- Villaconejos (C.U.)
- Villalbilla
Pass for Zone C2: 32,80€. Includes the previous zones and:
- La Acebeda
- Alameda del Valle
- Aldea del Fresno
- Ambite
- El Atazar
- Belmonte de Tajo
- El Berrueco
- Berzosa de Lozoya
- Braojos
- Brea de Tajo
- Buitrago de Lozoya
- Bustarviejo
- Cabanillas de la Sierra
- La Cabrera
- Cadalso de los Vidrios
- Canencia de la Sierra
- Carabaña
- Cenicientos
- Cercedilla
- Cervera de Buitrago
- Chapinería
- Colmenar de Oreja
- Colmenar del Arroyo
- Corpa
- Estremera
- Fresnedillas de la Oliva
- Fuentidueña de Tajo
- Garganta de los Montes
- Gargantilla de Lozoya
- Gascones
- Guadalíx de la Sierra
- La Hiruela
- Horcajo de la Sierra
- Horcajuelo de la Sierra
- Lozoya
- Lozoyuela-Las Navas-Sieteiglesias
- Madarcos
- Miraflores de la Sierra
- Los Molinos
- Montejo de la Sierra
- Navacerrada
- Navalafuente
- Navalagamella
- Navarredonda and San Mamés
- Navas del Rey
- Nuevo Baztán
- Olmeda de las Fuentes
- Orusco de Tajuña
- Patones
- Pelayos de la Presa
- Pezuela de las Torres
- Pinilla del Valle
- Piñuecar-Gandullas
- Prádena del Rincón
- Puebla de la Sierra
- Puentes Viejas
- Rascafría
- RedueñaRobledillo de la Jara
- Robledo de Chavela
- Robregordo
- Las Rozas de Puerto Real
- San Martín de Valdeiglesias
- Santa María de la Alameda
- Santorcaz
- La Serna del Monte
- Somosierra
- Talamanca del Jarama
- Tielmes
- Torrelaguna
- Torremocha del Jarama
- Valdaracete
- Valdelaguna
- Valdemanco
- Valdemaqueda
- Valdepiélagos
- Valdilecha
- El Vellón
- Venturada
- Villa del Prado
- Villamanrique de Tajo
- Villamanta
- Villamantilla
- Villanueva de Perales
- Villar del Olmo
- Villarejo de Salvanés
- Villavieja de Lozoya
- Zarzalejo
Pass for Zone E1: 44,20€. It can only be used for journeys between this zone and the Community of Madrid. Includes:
- Alameda de la Sagra
- Alovera
- Añover del Tajo
- Azuqueca de Henares
- Borox
- Cabañas de la Sagra
- Camarena
- Carranque
- Casarrubios del Monte
- Cedillo del Condado
- Ciruelos
- Cobeja
- El Casar
- El Viso de San Juan
- Esquivias
- Guadalajara
- Illescas
- Méntrida
- Mesones (El Casar)
- Numancia de la Sagra
- Ontígola
- Palomeque
- Pantoja
- Pioz
- Pozo de Guadalajara
- Seseña
- Seseña Nuevo (Seseña)
- Torrejón del Rey
- Uceda
- Ugena
- Calypo Fado Urbanization (Casarrubios del Monte)
- Valdenuño-Fernández
- Valmojado
- Ventas de Retamosa
- Villaluenga de la Sagra
- Yeles
- Yuncler
- Yuncos
Pass for Zone E2: 52,70€. It can only be used for trips between this zone and the Community of Madrid. Includes:
- Ajofrín
- Albares
- Almoguera
- Almorox
- Arcicóllar
- Argés
- Azucaica (Toledo)
- Bargas
- Belinchón
- Burguillos de Toledo
- Camarenilla
- Casa de Uceda
- Chozas de Canales
- Cobisa
- Dos Barrios
- El Cubillo de Uceda
- Escalona
- Fuensalida
- Fuentes de la Alcarria (Brihuega)
- Gerindote
- Guadamur
- Huerta de Valdecarábanos
- La Guardia
- La Torre de Esteban Hambrán
- Layos
- Lominchar
- Magán
- Maqueda
- Matarrubia
- Mocejón
- Mondéjar
- Nambroca
- Noblejas
- Novés
- Ocaña
- Olías del Rey
- Paredes de Escalona
- Portillo de Toledo
- Quismondo
- Recas
- San Joaquin (Illana)
- Santa Cruz de la Zarza
- Santa Cruz del Retamar
- Santa Olalla
- Santo Domingo-Caudilla
- Taracena (Guadalajara)
- Tarancón
- Toledo
- Torija
- Torrijos
- Trijueque
- San Sebastián Urbanization (Villamiel de Toledo)
- Valdenoches (Guadalajara)
- Villamiel de Toledo
- Villarrubia de Santiago
- Villaseca de la Sagra
- Villatobas
- Viñuelas
- Yepes
- Yunclillos
- Zarza de Tajo
Youth Season Ticket (up to 26 years old): 8€.
- All fare zones are included: A, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, E1 and E2.
Senior Pass (over 65 years old): free of charge
- All fare zones within the Community of Madrid are included: A, B1, B2, B3, C1 and C2.
What is not included in the travel pass?
The following fare options are not included in the TTP:
- Single tickets for urban and interurban buses, which are still purchased on board the vehicle at the time the trip is made.
- Parla Tramway tickets (single and ten-trip).
- Cercanías tickets (single, round trip, bonotren and monthly pass).
Where can the Public Transport Cards be recharged?
TTP can be recharged at these points and, if you download the app on your cell phone -we leave you the link here-, you can do it at any time and from anywhere.
Transport passes are valid for 30 calendar days from their first use. After 10 days of loading the card, if it has not been validated, the term will begin to count.