A good answer to the media dimension of the Panorama Orchestra can be found in some statements of the Galician musician and journalist Carlangas, who says that the neighbors of Vigo were not the least bit shocked when they saw a Madonna concert in Balaídos. Everything that Madonna put on, the neighbors of Moaña or Boiro had already seen in village festivals of the Panorama Orchestra
They have been giving concerts all summer long. A Coruña, León, Teruel, Toledo. There are few musicians who have a summer as demanding as that of the Panorama Orchestra, who are known for being carriers of the “biggest traveling show in Spain”.
And that is precisely what they will bring to San Sebastián de los Reyes as a result of the Fiestas in honor of the Santísimo Cristo de los Remedios Sanse.
San Sebastián de los Reyes.
On Thursday at 23h at the soccer field in Teide Street, more than 20 artists on stage and an audiovisual and musical set up with giant LED screens will be part of the show. A show, by the way, that is transported in more than seven trailers (for stage and instruments) and a minibus (for the musicians).
The show will be held at the Teide football field on Thursday at 11 pm.
The concerts of Sanse’s festivities
The festivities of San Sebastián de los Reyes are held from August 25 to September 1, with the Municipal Amphitheater Adolfo Conde (and many other stages) as the epicenter of music and fun.
San Sebastián de los Reyes Festivities are held from August 25 to September 1.
The concert lineup includes Recycled J, Antoñito Molina, Nancys Rubias, Mägo de Oz, Dani Fernández, Viva Suecia and more, with stellar performances every night. In addition, there will be matinee sessions and a special children’s concert with Pica-Pica on September 1.