A couple of years ago we talked about it as a possibility and today it is closer to becoming a reality. We are talking about the installation of awnings to provide shade in Puerta del Sol, something we will be able to see for the first time this coming summer.
Although the news of its installation has been known for months, this intervention is now back in the news due to the award, by the Department of Works and Equipment of the City Council, of the works to adapt the benches of the square so that the textile pieces can be installed.
The award -which can be consulted in this link of the Public Sector Procurement Platform- has been resolved in favor of the company Licuas.
These adaptation works will consist of installing cables that will be anchored both to the buildings in the square and to stainless steel masts that will be installed on the granite benches in the square and will act as fasteners. On the other hand, the company in charge of the supply and installation of the awnings itself will be Carpas Zaragoza, which has a budget of €475,530.
Why awnings and not trees at the Puerta del Sol?
The question of why trees are not installed to provide shade instead of awnings in the Puerta del Sol has been asked by many Madrileños and Madrileñas. The most complete explanation can be found in the TikTok above these lines, but in short it has to do with the impossibility of laying foundations under the ground because of the subway transport infrastructure in the area (i.e., the slabs of Metro and Adif). The same ones that prevent the installation of trees.
On the other hand, the project of the awnings in Sol, which has been in charge of the study Linazasoro-Sánchez, has passed twice through the Heritage Commission, both with a favorable result.