There is already a date for the return to school: the Community of Madrid has announced, through the 2024-2025 school calendar, the date on which the next academic year will begin in the region, as well as the vacation periods. This calendar will be published shortly in the Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid (BOCM) and will be available for consultation on the following website www.comunidad.madrid.
As for the first -the start date of the academic year- it has been set for Monday, September 9 in the case of Pre-school, Primary and Special Education and in the Integrated Centers of Artistic Music Education.
The following day, on September 10, the students of the Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and the Integrated Centers of Artistic Music Education and ESO will return.
Start of the school calendar in other centers

In addition to those mentioned above, these are the dates on which other publicly funded schools in the region will resume their activities:
- Nursery Schools and Children’s Homes: september 5
- Professional Conservatories of Music and Dance, Official Language Schools and 2nd year of the Plastic Arts and Design cycles of the Art Schools: september 10
- Centers of Higher Artistic Education: september 12
- Adult Education Centers: september 18
- First year of the Plastic Arts and Design cycles: september 19
and when will classes end?

In the case of Infant, Primary, Special Education, ESO, FP, Artistic Music Education, Professional Conservatories of Music and Dance, Official Language Schools, Art Schools, Adult Education and 1st Baccalaureate , the academic year will end on June 20, 2025.
For students in the 2nd year of Bachillerato, the Community of Madrid states that the end date of the course will be adapted “to the needs arising from the completion of the final evaluation and admission procedures at the Universities”.
Finally, the nursery schools and children’s homes will conclude the school year on July 31.
The Christmas holiday period will run from December 21 to January 7, and the Easter holiday period will take place between April 11 and April 21, 2025.
On the other hand, November 1 and December 6, 2024 will be general holidays and February 28 and March 3 will be non-teaching days.